Friday, May 25, 2012

Relax - For Your Health's Sake!

 With so much going on in our lives - the demands of work, family and managing all the other areas of our lives, it's no wonder our minds and bodies can become stressed.

  According to webMD, 40% off adults suffer adverse effects from stress. Our bodies are built to cope with stress but ongoing stress can be very harmful.  75 -90% of doctors visit stem from stress related ailments. 

 The effects of stress

Some of the effects of stress are headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, upset stomach, anxiety, weight gain or loss and chest pains.
With a few changes in our lives, we can learn to manage stress effectively, which can lead to a  healthier happier life. Relax, relate, release!

10 Simple ways to  relax

1. Take a relaxing bath, bubbles, candles, the whole works.

2. Go to the gym.

3. Go to the spa.

4. Listen to your favorite music.

5. Read a book you enjoyed as a child

6. Take  a long walk

7. Call a good friend. You know, the one that makes you laugh.

8.  Meditate.

9. Eat healthier. Even a simple cup of green tea can work wonders.

10. Take a nap. There is nothing like sleep to heal the mind and body.

Of course, you can always partake in your favorite hobby like paint, draw, cook, whatever you know can help you to relax.

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